Welcome to Let's Talk! I'm Tina and I will be the one entertaining you with my posts. I hope you find something to enjoy while you're here and will decide to "follow" my blog and come back often to check in with me. Be sure to share my blog link with your friends as well, the more the merrier!

I work 32-40 hours a week from 4pm-1am, so I don't have a lot of free time to spend online, but I will try to blog as much as possible. If you have any post suggestions, let me know!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tv/Movie Monday: Geico Commercial: Drill Sergeant

Good Afternoon Everyone!
Today is Monday so its time to talk about Tv/Movies. I'm doing another commercial today, this one is a Geico commercial. A lot of the Geico commercials are either annoying or just... blah. This one I really like though, but how can you not like former drill sergeant R. Lee Ermey? Those people who just think they have problems need a therapist like him, maybe he could get their butts in line...

I'm afraid that's all I've got for you today. I haven't been doin too great lately. Hopefully soon I will feel like getting back into the swing of things.

Enjoy your day...


Sunday, October 24, 2010

In The News Sunday: Gays In The Military

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!

Today is Sunday, so that means its time to discuss the news. My topic today isn't a headline from today, but it is a current one. It is also about a topic that I can get pretty ...... heated about. These are simply my opinions and if you have an opinion that differs from mine, that's fine. All I ask is that you offer your opinions nicely. It is possible to share an opinion and not be rude about it.

As the title states, today we are talking about gays in the military. To start off with.... What exactly IS the problem with gays being in the military? I've never understood that one in the first place. I mean, am I missing something obvious here? Are gays.... incapable of feeling love for their country? Are gays.... incapable of firing a weapon? Are gays any different as far as their abilities go to do "normal" functions just like every other capable human being on this Earth? I know gay people.... they seem pretty dang "normal" to me. I mean, they hold down jobs and do a good job of it. They pay bills, live "normal" everyday lives. The only actual difference is who they prefer to like/love. That's it.

Is the problem that the military thinks if a gay person goes into the military they just won't be able to control themselves and will spend their days trying to hook up with others? Gay guys and girls aren't any different than any other guy or girl. They can control their urges just like anyone else, and just because they are gay, it doesn't mean that everyone of the same sex is attractive to them and they won't be able to control themselves and will attack people in their sleep. I mean, come on people..... Don't you think if a gay guy or girl wants to go in the military, its not to "hook up" with and "convert" everyone they meet... its for the same reason a straight guy or girl is going into the military... to serve their country.

Personally, I find this ban on gays in the military to be ridiculous. It also makes me feel ashamed that my country would be that way. And now as if the ban hasn't been shameful enough, they are "working" on "making it ok" for gays to join the military, but "they better keep their mouths shut" about their sexual orientation. You straight guys n gals can hoot n holler n tell the world all about how you like members of the opposite sex, but you lowly gay people keep your mouths shut because there are too many people who aren't comfortable with themselves to be able to deal with you being different from them. (*sighs* Sorry... told you I get a lil "heated" when it comes to this subject.. same way on religion!)

I'd really like to hope that sometime in my lifetime, people will finally get over themselves and realize that someone being gay is not affecting their lives in any way, shape, or form. So n so being gay and wanting to be with another guy or another girl has no bearing on anyone's life other than their own and whomever they choose to be with. Plain and simple. Gay people are no different than anyone else.... they have needs, they have wants.... and they have feelings... just like everyone else.

Do me a small favor.... its not a lot, promise. Next time you see a gay guy or girl and your first thought is to think mean thoughts about them or to say and do mean and horrible things to them.... stop.... for just a moment.... and think to yourself: "Is this person really doing anything to affect my life one way or the other? Are they really a bad person.... or am I just afraid of something I don't agree with or understand?" If everyone would just stop and think for a moment before spewing their hate into the world... maybe, just maybe... the world would be a better place and this thing called Life could be at least a little better because people are dealing with stuff in their own backyards instead of peeking over the privacy fences of other people's yards and worrying about what they are doing...

If you have any comments, you are more than welcome to post them, whether you agree with me or not. Just play nice... I haven't slammed anyone, so you do the same....

Enjoy your day...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sing-Along Saturday: Stop The World by Extreme

For our first Sing-Along Saturday video, I'm posting a song I had never heard before Monday. It's a song by Extreme, a group I've always liked, but I'd never heard this particular song. Really glad a friend of mine posted it on Facebook.

The song is called Stop The World and if you'd like lyrics to it so you can sing along with the video, you can find them on many different sites, but here is a link you can check out: Lyrics

Hope you enjoy the song!

Enjoy your day...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Free For All Friday - Video Post

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today is a "free for all day" as far as posting goes, meaning I'll be posting just whatever on Fridays. I had intended to have this posted already but hadn't really been in the mood to post anything and I had also intended to make this post about a different topic.... but changed my mind at the last moment. I didn't have a very good day yesterday, so I've been spending the day today listening to music and watching videos and just trying to "lay low". I didn't really want to risk having another bad day today like I did yesterday....

I'm not going to linger on why my day was bad yesterday because I'm just brushing it off and moving on... but I will share this with you.... I started my day out in a good mood and was just trying to be a friend and have fun on Facebook. It kind of backfired on me though because the person I was trying to be nice to and have fun with wasn't having a very good day and I found out the hard way. The aftermath ended up not being very pretty... I hope that friend is having a better day today and maybe (if not yesterday or today) one day, they will realize I really wasn't trying to be mean... that I was simply trying to be a friend....

And now, speaking of friends.... that brings me to the topic of my post today (well, sorta). I'm posting some videos that I found while looking for some good music to listen to today. I've never heard these songs before today and really liked them, so I shared them on Facebook (hope at least some of my friends enjoyed them!) and now I'm going to share them on my blog.

The first video is from Tracy Lawrence and it's called "Find Out Who You're Friends Are". I have a few friends that I think of when I hear this song... they are always there for me (even if its just with kind and encouraging words... or just a simple hug when i need one) no matter what. I dedicate this song to them and hope they all realize how wonderful they are and that I am always there for them, no matter what....

This second video is from Blake Shelton and it's called "Hillbilly Bone". Love this song because it reminds me that no matter what I do or listen to... I'll always be a country girl at heart... Yeehaw!

This one you will have to go to YouTube to view because embedding has, unfortunately, been disabled. So just click on the song name and it will take you right to the video... Hillybilly Bone.

Hope you have enjoyed the videos and my post today. Feel free to leave any comments below. If you have any really great songs you think I might like, please let me know. I listen to just about anything.

Enjoy your day...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Funny Stuff Thursday: Cyoot Kitteh

Hello Everyone!
Today is Thursday, so its time for a really good laugh. Today's laugh is brought to you by If you are not familiar with the site, you really should check it out. It's mainly cute/funny pictures/videos of cats, but occasionally they throw other animals in there. The pictures always have really funny/cute captions on them and are normally written in what is called LoLSpeak. Cats are called Kittehs, dogs are called Goggies, its just a really cute and funny "language".

Today I'm sharing a cyoot (cute) kitteh (cat) pic with a really funny caption.


Is that too stinkin cute or what?? Definitely an "Awwwwwww" moment!

Hope you enjoyed today's funny pic, any comments are welcome. If you have a funny pic you would like to share, send it to me at at yahoo (dot) com and I'll see about using it on one of my Funny Stuff Thursday posts.

Enjoy your day...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Would You Do Wednesday

Ready to post some comments?  Here is today's story/question....

Let's say you work at S Mart... you know, Shop Smart.. Shop S Mart (Army of Darkness). S Mart is a department store that sells all sorts of products, which means they receive trucks on a regular basis and they have employees who wait on customers, stock shelves, unload trucks, clean... etc.

Now, let's say you and Ash work the same hours - we'll go with 9 to 5 - and you do the same job. Every day at 5, Ash leaves. Workload isn't done? Doesn't matter, he still leaves. He doesn't ask, he doesn't say a word, he simply goes and clocks out and leaves (and nothing is ever said or done about this, btw). The rest of the crew - you included - stays and finishes up the workload (which could be 10 minutes, 40 minutes.... longer...). Now supposedly the supervisor can't make you stay, they can only ask you if you would like to. (Yet, every time the workload is not done at quitting time, you are never asked to stay, you are told to stay.)

So, this is the part where your comments come in. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of this situation. Do you feel its fair? Do you think its a crock? Have you encountered a situation like this yourself? Any and all comments are welcome....

Enjoy your day...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spotlight Tuesday: Let's Talk 2

Hello everyone!

Today is Tuesday (although I'm a bit late posting this lol... sorry), so it's Blog/Website Spotlight time.

Of course, the first blog/website I'm going to spotlight is my daughter's blog (duh! lol). It's called Let's Talk 2. There is no main topic, just random stuff, everyday stuff.

If you're looking for a laugh and to be entertained, you should definitely check it out. She is a rather talented writer, in my opinion, and has a knack for holding your attention. She's very good at telling a story... when its a funny moment, you can't help but laugh out loud. She is my best friend, and I look forward to reading her posts and receiving emails, texts, and IMs from her because you never know what she is going to say or do next. She is definitely off-the-wall and unique.

So, go... right now.... and check out her blog. While you're over there, be sure to click the "follow" button or bookmark her page. That way you can continue to follow her and be entertained with her stories and laugh a lot because of her off-the-wall thoughts. Oh, and be sure to leave me a comment and let me know what you think! :)

Enjoy your day...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tv/Movie Monday - Burger King commercials

Hi Everyone!
We are going to start Tv/Movie Monday off with some commercials I absolutely hate. I dont know about anyone else reading this, but working at Freds, I learned to drown stuff out - mostly the music that plays all day, everyday... because some of it was really annoying and if you didnt learn to drown it out, you would go crazy hearing it several times a day, each day. But there were some songs, no matter how much you tried to ignore them, it was just impossible! (That's how stupidly annoying they were!)

Well, these new Burger King commercials are now in the category of "un-ignore-able". Every time one of them comes on, I just want to throw something at the tv.

This is just one of the new commercials, there are several similar to it. Is it just me or do you want to turn a high power hose on these people... and the flute guy makes me want to do horrible things to him with that flute.

What do you think? Like em? Hate em? Feel violent everytime you see them? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of these latest BK commercials...

Enjoy your day...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Blog and New Format For Let's Talk

Hi Everyone!
First of all, I have a new blog that I wanted to share with you.  It's called Stamp With TinaRanae.  As you can guess from the name of the blog, its a place for all my projects I work on and also for blogs/websites that have to do with crafting that I like to check out and that I think may be of interest to you.  So, if you are a crafter like me, you should go check out my new blog.  Eventually, I will have a link here on this blog, but I just haven't had time to do that yet.  So, for now, the link to visit my new blog is:, but so far there are no posts because.... yep, you guessed it..... I haven't had time yet.  But please feel free to hop on over there and start following me or save the page in your favorites so that you can find me again easily.  :)

I'm also going to see about a new format here on Let's Talk.  Although I work a lot, I'm going to do my best to implement this new format and keep it going... So far, my idea for the new format is as follows:
  • In The News Sunday: I will post about new stories or headlines I have seen. I'll be offering up my own commentary on the news and will be asking your opinions about it as well.
  • Tv/Movie Monday: I will post a movie review or a video and comments about a commercial that I think is funny (or that I simply like) or one that I just cannot stand.
  • Blog/Website Spotlight Tuesday: I will post a link to a blog or website that I like to visit and that I think maybe you would like as well.  (Feel free to send me links to your favorite websites or blogs - or your own personal blogs or websites - for me to post about)
  • What Would You Do Wednesday: I will post questions or "stories" - things that I see or that happens to me or that I've heard or read about and will ask what you think about it, what you would do in the situation, or how it makes you feel.
  • Funny Stuff Thursday: I will post funny pics and/or stories and you will have a chance to post any comments you have about them.
  • Free For All Friday: This will be a day of "whatever posts".  Since its Friday, anything goes....
  • Sing Along Saturday: I will be posting videos for videos that I like.  There will probably be a lot of 80s videos since I love the 80s so much.  If you have any favorite videos, let me know so I can post them.... then we can all sing along.....


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Halloween Haunt Fun

It's almost Halloween time and for those of you who are into haunted houses and the like there are certainly plenty around to keep you occupied for a bit.  If you'd like to add one more to your "haunted to-do" list, why don't you drop by a backyard haunt that my friends are putting on. 

It's something they do every year and every year it gets better because every year they come up with new things to scare everyone with.  They also do the haunt for everyone for free, but I think maybe this year they will have a "donation box", so that if anyone would like to donate to help with costs they can.  Certainly hope that if they DO have a donation box, that they get some donations.

So, if you're out n about on Halloween Eve n looking for some fun scares, drop by and check them out at 918 Stanford in Sikeston.  They always have some pretty cool stuff.

Enjoy your day...


Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Party Invitations

Well, I finally stopped procrastinating and finished up the birthday party invitations that a friend ordered for their little boys birthday. Between work and difficulties popping up, it wasn't easy, but I got them done.

I hope she likes them (and has time to get them out to the guests!). I decided to go with camo and trucks - figured you can't go wrong with those two when it comes to a little boy.

Any comments? I'd love to hear from ya!  If you'd like to discuss ordering some invitations for yourself - or greeting cards, party favors, or treat boxes - you can email me at or leave a comment on this post with your email address and I will get in touch with you as soon as time permits.

Enjoy your day...

Friday, October 8, 2010


Yup, that's me right about now! I'm supposed to be working on some birthday party invitations for a friend - and I really should be using every available moment since I don't exactly get a lot of free time lately! I just can't seem to get my butt in gear though. *sigh* I blame Facebook... and my friends... lol! Everytime I tell myself "Ok, that's it... no more... I'm going to work on those invitations!", someone else sends a game request or posts something interesting or replies to one of my posts on Facebook. So, see... really its not my fault!! *smile*

I've never been much of a procrastinator... I'm one of those people who always wants something and wants it yesterday... that or always has the mindset "I better do it now coz you never know what may happen later or the next day, so this may be your only chance!" So, what my deal is today, I have no clue!

Ok... let's see if I can pry my eyes from Facebook long enough to get some craft work done.... *cross your fingers for me*

Enjoy your day...


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bonehead Question of the Day

Thought I'd share the bonehead question of the day with ya... its kind of one of those Bill Engvall Here's Your Sign kind of things....

So, I was at work and had just finished unloading the truck and we were working on pulling all the freight out to the floor to be worked up. Since its October and Halloween is coming up, it stands to reason that there will be quite a bit of Halloween product... As the last, and one of many, pallets of Halloween was being pulled out to the floor, a member of management walks by and asks where the pallet came from. The guy pulling it out was only doing what he was told and this is what he told the member of management and that (obviously) the pallet had come from the back.

Ok, so that was, indeed, a stupid question.... but wait, it gets more stupid. Now for the bonehead question of the day....

As the guy is walking off pulling the pallet, the member of management asks (to no one in particular), "Where is all this Halloween coming from??" Seriously? Did he really go there? And to think, this is someone in a supervisory position. Where does he think it came from?? We unload trucks every day of the week, we're unloading product.... not air. And as I stated earlier, itis October and coming up on Halloween... So I'm not really sure what part he was unclear on.... the fact that we unload product from these trucks that show up every day or that its October and it stands to reason we will be receiving Halloween product.

I'm really not understanding why people don't stop and think before they open their mouths sometimes. Some of the stupidest things can come out of people's mouths.....

Heard any Bonehead Questions of the Day? If so, please share your story with us... I'd love to hear it!

Enjoy your day...


Saturday, October 2, 2010


You'll notice I have Friends in quotations up there... that's because I'm not talking about real friends, I'm talking about those people who pretend to be your friends, but when it comes to actually being there for you, they are either never there or they are there, sort of, but complain about it.

You've just really got to love these kinds of people. I especially love the part where when it comes to them expecting you to "be there" for them, regardless of how they have acted in the past, they actually expect you to be there for them. These so-called friends will actually get mad at you if you aren't at their disposal any and every time they need you.

My question is this: Do they actually feel that their behaviour is acceptable?? Do they really think they have a right to be this way? Do they honestly not feel that what they are doing is wrong? Or are they just such A-holes n B's that they just don't give a crap? Any comments are welcome, let me know what you think on the subject....

The so-called friends who just simply are never there, never speak to you.... I don't mind them so much. It's a shame, but at least they aren't expecting anything from you in return for their "non-friendship". No, it's the ones who insist they are your friends and whine to the world because you don't get up every morning and greet them and ask what you can do for them today - although they aren't doing that to you either. The ones who whine to the world because you didn't send them a Facebook gift or reply to a Facebook post - like Facebook is the world or something. The ones who will do something for you "in the name of *I'm such a wonderful friend*", but then complain constantly about it. If you really were such a great friend, you would do stuff for your friends because you want to, not because you have to. You would do stuff for your friends unselflessly and would not need recognition for doing it.

So, yeah, I'm feeling that there aren't really that many "real friends" left in the world. That's a real shame....

Any comments? Any "crappy so-called friend" stories? Feel free to leave a comment and share them...

Enjoy your day...


Friday, September 17, 2010

Commercial - M&Ms: Get In The Bowl

Hello Everyone!

Sometimes you see a commercial that just cracks ya up and you can't help but laugh out loud. I just saw this commercial for the first time a few days ago and OMG did it get me to laughing. It was a little funny when the guy opens the cupboard door and things start flying out at him, but when the camera shows you the M&Ms in the cupboard with objects in hand to pelt him with...... That really got a chuckle out of me. The funniest part though.... when the camera shows the guy standing in front of the cupboard again and the piece of bread smacks him in the face. LOL! Too funny.

Have you seen this commercial? If so, what did you think of it when you saw it? Leave me a comment and let me know. If there are any other commercials out there that you think are laugh-worthy... or even commercials you think are really stupid.... leave me a comment and let me know.


Enjoy you day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bananas In Pajamas

Bananas in Pajamas

Does anyone else remember the Australian-based children's television show Bananas In Pajamas? It first premiered in 1992.

The cast of characters included the two bananas, B1 and B2, their 3 bear friends, Amy, Lulu, and Morgan, and Rat in a Hat and they all live in a cul-de-sac called Cuddles Avenue.

The show was really cute and a lot of fun and my youngest absolutely loved the show when she was younger. She even had a Bananas In Pajamas birthday party one year with a Banana in Pajama cake, doll, and even figures of all the characters.

If you'd like to check them out, or if you've seen them before and would like to take a quick "walk down memory lane", you can find lots of videos of them at You Tube.

I've included a video showing the intro to the show with their catchy little theme song, enjoy. :)

I hope I've brightened your day with this fun little blog post. Leave me a comment and let me know if you liked it or if you remember this cute little show. Any other shows you remember from the past that you thought were really great or that you just have some really fun memories of? Leave a comment and let me know what they are. Maybe I'll do a blog post about them as well.

Enjoy you day....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog Giveaway: Meliciously Yours T-Shirt

Hello Everyone!

I have a great giveaway for you today.  The giveaway is being brought to you by and the item being given away is graciously being supplied by You can find the giveaway and how to enter here. Its super easy to enter and you can even get extra entries by doing a few simple things.

Go to Meliciously Yours and check out all the great items they have for sale and go to Go Green Street and check out their really great articles after you enter their giveaway.

If you decide to check out the sites and/or enter the giveaway, leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the sites and whether or not you entered the giveaway.

Enjoy your day...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Movie Review: Big Fat Liar

Hello Everyone!

Today I have another movie review for you.  This one is an older movie called Big Fat Liar.  When this movie originally came out in 2002, I took one look at it and thought to myself "No way am I going to watch that movie, it looks really stupid".  A couple of days ago it was on tv, so I decided to give it a chance.... and it was actually pretty good.  Not the best movie in the world, but it had some pretty funny moments and it also had a good message in it.

The movie stars Frankie Muniz, Paul Giamatti, and Amanda Bynes.  The movie begins with Frankie, a teenager that lies about everything from being up on time to eating his oatmeal to doing his homework.  The lie about doing his homework is what starts the whole ball of string unraveling.  He gets a chance to make up his work to keep from going to summer school and actually writes the paper, which ends up being a story based on himself, called Big Fat Liar.  Unfortunately on his way to deliver the paper he is hit by a limo carrying Paul, a big movie director.  He manages a ride in the limo to his destination, only to lose his paper in the limo.

Frankie ends up in summer school, Paul ends up with the paper, but thats only the beginning.  Frankie and Amanda end up in Hollywood to make Paul's life a nightmare and this is where the laughs really begin.  They make his life miserable all because he won't make one simple phone call to Frankie's dad to prove Frankie wasn't lying about doing his homework.

It's a cute movie with a lot of laughs.  It's rated PG for some language, but that's as bad as it gets (and that's not that bad).  If you're looking for a cute movie, if you're looking for some laughs, I recommend this movie for you and for your children, I'm sure they would get a kick out of it as well.

You can find a little more info on the movie at IMDB.  If you've seen the movie or if you decide to check it out after reading this, leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of the movie.  And I'm always on the lookout for a good movie to watch, so if you have any suggestions for me, leave me a comment.

Enjoy your day....
Love, Light, n Peace...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog Giveaway: Beneath The Glass

Hi Everyone!

Just saw this really cute ring and what's even better is you can have a chance to win it for free.  Interested?  Then hurry on over to Beneath The Glass and check it out.  Just follow the simple directions on her blog and you could be the winner.... but hurry up because the contest ends at midnight on August 31.

Let me know what you think of the ring, the blog, and whether or not you decided to enter the contest.... And thanks for dropping by!

Love, Light, n Peace...

**photo is property of Beneath The Glass.  It was used here simply to help promote the giveaway on the blog**

Sites To Check Out: Coffin Kittie

Hello Everyone!

Found a new site today and really like it, so I thought I would share it with you. There is a section of cute little items she has for sale plus she has a blog with lots of interesting posts. If you have a few minutes, run over and check it out. You can find her at: Coffin Kittie. Maybe you'll like her enough to follow her....

Let me know if you checked her out and what you thought of her site...

Love, Light, n Peace...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Movie Review: Men Who Stare At Goats

Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd share my thoughts on a movie that I recently watched. It's called Men Who Stare At Goats, starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, and Jeff Bridges... among others.

In all, the movie really is pretty stupid, but I did laugh on occasion. The Star Wars references are hilarious since Ewan was in those movies as well. Seeing George Clooney dance was pretty funny also, especially with that silly moustache he has throughout the movie.

You can check out more details about the movie at IMDB. Here is the link:

In my opinion, the best part of the movie is the very end of it, but I won't ruin it for anyone - in case you decide to check it out for yourselves.

I would probably give this movie 3 stars. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen and it had just enough stuff in it to keep me watching it. On several occasions I thought to myself "This is really stupid, why am I even watching this??", but also because of the silly stuff, I kept watching. So, if you're not looking for a "omg, that was a fantastic movie!!" movie, but just want to check out something silly, check this one out.

If you've seen the movie, let me know what you thought about it in the comment section.

Well, my lovelies, I'm going to take something for my headache, find something to eat, and probably watch another movie.... so you all have a Blessed day and stop back by again soon!

Love, Light, n Peace...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Commercial - JG Wentworth

Anyone seen those JG Wentworth commercials, the ones where everyone is singing in an opera style?  I want to say they are really stupid (even though I like opera), but.... they are pretty funny.  I mean, how can you not laugh seeing people in "everyday situations" and instead of talking, they're singing opera style?  One of the latest commercials is on a bus......

There are certainly a lot worse commercials out there. At least this one doesn't leave you wanting that minute of your life back. lol Anyone have any commercials that they really like or really hate? Leave a comment and let me know....

Love, Light, n Peace...

Back in Missouri

I just recently moved back here to Missouri (a couple of days ago).  I haven't been too many places, but Missouri is where I belong.  I went out to Virginia for a few months, did NOT enjoy my time there.  Beautiful state, so much to do there.... but I would not want to live there.  I went out there to stay with my boyfriend for a bit after I lost my job (needed a place to stay).  My time spent there was not much fun, certain of his family members weren't exactly the nicest of people, I missed my daughters terribly, and the majority of my time was spent broke and hungry.  So, yes, its great to be back here in Missouri.  I may not have a place of my own yet, but at least I have a roof over my head and the provider of that roof cares enough about me to be hospitable.... and I know I'm not going to go hungry here since I have people who care about me here.

Now I just have to get my life back on track yet again by finding a decent job and a place to call my own.  I know that's not going to be an easy task, but hopefully I will have the Goddess' help and I will make it through this. 

Anyone with any helpful advice or words of encouragement are more than welcome to leave comments....

Love, Light, n Peace...

Hi there!

Hey!  Glad you could stop by and see me.  Before we get started, do me a favor and bookmark this page... that way you can find me again and we can be friends - or you could just "follow my blog".

So anyway, my name is Tina.  I just recently turned 40 and have two beautiful daughters.  Currently I'm unemployed and looking for a place to live, which sucks in case you didn't know.  I'm hoping to find a job and I definitely want to find a place to live, so keep an eye out for me, ok?

In case you're wondering what you can expect from me here, all I can say is "Who knows?". lol  I have a lot of opinions, many different interests... there is always something rattling around in my head.  I am a craft nerd, I LOVE to make homemade greeting cards, party favors, treat holders, invitations, etc.  So, if you ever need anything like that, give me a holler coz I'd love to make something for you.  I will try and share some of my creations with you whenever I can so you can see my pretties.

You can also look forward to product opinions, movie reviews, and lots of me talking about some of the stupid stuff that I see and hear on a daily basis.  So, we will have a little bit of everything to share when you come and visit me.  If you have any comments or would like to talk about anything that I haven't blogged about yet, please, leave me a comment or send me an email at  I'd love to hear from you and since I'm hoping you'll keep coming back to visit me, I, of course, want to talk about stuff that interests you.  :)

So, if you haven't already, don't forget to bookmark or follow me.... and I'll see you again soon!

Love, Light, n Peace....