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Sunday, October 24, 2010

In The News Sunday: Gays In The Military

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!

Today is Sunday, so that means its time to discuss the news. My topic today isn't a headline from today, but it is a current one. It is also about a topic that I can get pretty ...... heated about. These are simply my opinions and if you have an opinion that differs from mine, that's fine. All I ask is that you offer your opinions nicely. It is possible to share an opinion and not be rude about it.

As the title states, today we are talking about gays in the military. To start off with.... What exactly IS the problem with gays being in the military? I've never understood that one in the first place. I mean, am I missing something obvious here? Are gays.... incapable of feeling love for their country? Are gays.... incapable of firing a weapon? Are gays any different as far as their abilities go to do "normal" functions just like every other capable human being on this Earth? I know gay people.... they seem pretty dang "normal" to me. I mean, they hold down jobs and do a good job of it. They pay bills, live "normal" everyday lives. The only actual difference is who they prefer to like/love. That's it.

Is the problem that the military thinks if a gay person goes into the military they just won't be able to control themselves and will spend their days trying to hook up with others? Gay guys and girls aren't any different than any other guy or girl. They can control their urges just like anyone else, and just because they are gay, it doesn't mean that everyone of the same sex is attractive to them and they won't be able to control themselves and will attack people in their sleep. I mean, come on people..... Don't you think if a gay guy or girl wants to go in the military, its not to "hook up" with and "convert" everyone they meet... its for the same reason a straight guy or girl is going into the military... to serve their country.

Personally, I find this ban on gays in the military to be ridiculous. It also makes me feel ashamed that my country would be that way. And now as if the ban hasn't been shameful enough, they are "working" on "making it ok" for gays to join the military, but "they better keep their mouths shut" about their sexual orientation. You straight guys n gals can hoot n holler n tell the world all about how you like members of the opposite sex, but you lowly gay people keep your mouths shut because there are too many people who aren't comfortable with themselves to be able to deal with you being different from them. (*sighs* Sorry... told you I get a lil "heated" when it comes to this subject.. same way on religion!)

I'd really like to hope that sometime in my lifetime, people will finally get over themselves and realize that someone being gay is not affecting their lives in any way, shape, or form. So n so being gay and wanting to be with another guy or another girl has no bearing on anyone's life other than their own and whomever they choose to be with. Plain and simple. Gay people are no different than anyone else.... they have needs, they have wants.... and they have feelings... just like everyone else.

Do me a small favor.... its not a lot, promise. Next time you see a gay guy or girl and your first thought is to think mean thoughts about them or to say and do mean and horrible things to them.... stop.... for just a moment.... and think to yourself: "Is this person really doing anything to affect my life one way or the other? Are they really a bad person.... or am I just afraid of something I don't agree with or understand?" If everyone would just stop and think for a moment before spewing their hate into the world... maybe, just maybe... the world would be a better place and this thing called Life could be at least a little better because people are dealing with stuff in their own backyards instead of peeking over the privacy fences of other people's yards and worrying about what they are doing...

If you have any comments, you are more than welcome to post them, whether you agree with me or not. Just play nice... I haven't slammed anyone, so you do the same....

Enjoy your day...


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